Saturday, May 23, 2015

Setting Rows

The compost has been sitting on the garden for over a week now, so it is time to till it in.  My parents and I spent a few hours working.  First my dad tilled the compost in, which was far easier work than breaking up the sod in the first place.

Once the compost was churned in well, we decided that we should add some lime, since soil around here tends to be quite acidic.  After a quick trip to the Feed Store, we had the required lime.  We spread the recommended 50 pounds per 1000 square feet, then tilled the plot again.

Spreading the lime.

Tilling.  Again.

Next, we set the rows.  We put the furrower attachment on the tiller and set to work.  Putting the rows in went quite quickly once I stopped waffling on how wide I wanted each row and pathway to be.

Starting the first path.

Garden in progress.

Once all the rows were set, we raked stray soil off the lawn and used rakes to clean up the pathways.

It's really starting to look like a garden now.

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